Talk to an On-Demand Tutor to see how we can help

Build a study plan that fits your needs

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Get help finding the video lesson that fits your needs

Get connected with the Long Term Tutor that is right for you

Our goal is to make our catalog of resources and staff of specialists as accessible as possible(all for free). Talk to an On-Demand Tutor in our chat window to find a study plan that works for you and to get directed to all of the resources we have to offer that will make that plan possible.

Talk to an On-Demand Tutor to see how we can help

Our goal is to make our catalog of resources and staff of specialists as accessible as possible(all for free). Talk to an On-Demand Tutor in our chat window to find a study plan that works for you and to get directed to all of the resources we have to offer that will make that plan possible.

What you can expect

Upon opening the chat window, you will be met with either an option to enter a live chat or a survey depending on tutor availability. often the best times to catch a tutor are 3:30PM to 11:00PM. If you miss this window it is often good to check or you are welcome to browse our available resources.